British Project. IES Puerta de cuartos. 1º ESO

We are a group of students involved in a bilingual project at the IES Puerta de Cuartos in Talavera de la Reina Toledo. It´s a program supported by Ministerio de Educación and The British Council. With this Blog we would like to share with the students and teachers community some of our learning experiences as well as to inform our parents about the homework we´ve got every day.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hello friends..
This is a not normal haunted house...
Back this photograp was a mystery history
you will like to read....? i think that yes..

it was a cold night of winter, Susan was in her bedroom reading a book, in the moment the wardrobe doors opened and closed alone with a Chirp Susan was scary about what was hapening she stand up of her chair and went to close the door of the wardrobe door, when she looked behing her, the door of the room closed coup and a picture fall down and she screamed, when she went to the window for ask help, she saw the reflection of a girl, the reflection scream HELP ME!!! Susan was pale, but she was able to react in time and she
caught the girl's reflection by the hand and she pulled and the girl fall in the room....

Susan and the mistery girl was speaking, Susan discover that the girl
had disappeared 50 years a go....

The people tells that the mistery girl appeared in the halloween night to whisper to the childrens you can be the follow...


Un repasito morfológico

En esta página enlazada puedes encontrar unas actividades que te vendrán muy bien para apoyar la materia que estamos dando.
Aunque ponga que están creadas para 5º de primaria, nos sirven perfectamente.

Para comenzar el juego pulsa donde pone Verlo (applet).
Cuando hayas abierto el juego haz clicen la flecha azul para avanzar y lee las instrucciones de cada pantalla.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Halloween is a festivity in England and in America.

In that days children dress like monsters, spiders ,bats... and they go around the city asking sweets, if the person doesn´t give them sweets they throw eggs to the door of the house.

In Spain people have festivity but they don´t do anything like this, in Spain, people go to the cementery and they take flowers to the dead people. This day is called ``Día de todos los Santos´´.

And usually it is a day when people meet their family.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Me and the music

Hello, my name is Jorge. I am 12 years old and I like very much music. I study percussion in a music school. The instrument I like best to play are the drums, I even have drums in my house. I like heavy, rock and pop music. I am studying music in the music school since I was 4 years old and I started with percussion when I was 8 years old.

I like drums since I was 2 or 3 years old when I used to go walking with a toy drum singing rock songs.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Corrección prueba de Lengua y Literatura

Ya están corregidos los controles del tema 1 que habéis hecho.

¡Enhorabuena a la clase en general!
Los resultados han sido los siguientes:

Sobresalientes ---> 3
Notables --------> 11
Bien ------------> 3

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Control escrito del tema 1 en Lengua y Literatura para 10 de Octubre.

No olvides repasar los siguientes conceptos:
  • Los elementos de la comunicación.
  • La definición de lengua.
  • Los tres tipos de variedades lingüísticas de cualquier lengua o idioma. (esquema).
  • ¿Qué es dialecto? y ¿qué es habla?
  • Las lenguas que se hablan en España con carácter oficial.
  • Los principales dialectos del castellano.
  • Como clasificamos las palabras según la posición de su sílaba tónica.

No estudies sólo en el libro. Da un repaso a los ejercicios de tu cuaderno, porque algunas preguntas son ejercicios de aplicación práctica de los aprendizajes.

¡Ánimo, ya verás que fácil es! El sobresaliente te está esperando.

La llamada de la Selva

Visita esta página:

Te sorprenderá y te vas a divertir

Monday, October 08, 2007

Atoms, the bricks of the matter

Atoms are so small that a speck of dust contains millions of them. At the centre of an atom is the nucleus that is surrounded by electrons, which move around it like tiny planets around the sun. The discovering that the centre of an atom, its nucleus could be split into even tinier particles was made in 1917 by New Zealand -born Ernest Rutherford. Splitting atoms releases the most powerful force of nature .A nuclear explosion changes matter to energy, with colossal destructive power. The first atomic bombs were dropped in Japan to end World War 2 in 1945.
Ernest Rutherford