Atoms, the bricks of the matter
Atoms are so small that a speck of dust contains millions of them. At the centre of an atom is the nucleus that is surrounded by electrons, which move around it like tiny planets around the sun. The discovering that the centre of an atom, its nucleus could be split into even tinier particles was made in 1917 by New Zealand -born Ernest Rutherford. Splitting atoms releases the most powerful force of nature .A nuclear explosion changes matter to energy, with colossal destructive power. The first atomic bombs were dropped in Japan to end World War 2 in 1945.

I think that your work of the atoms was very good I learn very things of the
Very good Alejandro, you have do a good job. I didn't Know so many things. It is very interesting.
From Jorge
this work is very good.Very good Cosco. Are you the best
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