British Project. IES Puerta de cuartos. 1º ESO

We are a group of students involved in a bilingual project at the IES Puerta de Cuartos in Talavera de la Reina Toledo. It´s a program supported by Ministerio de Educación and The British Council. With this Blog we would like to share with the students and teachers community some of our learning experiences as well as to inform our parents about the homework we´ve got every day.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Reading Chart!!

As you can see from the picture the school library worked!!
The books left the shelves and went to the hands of many curious students who enjoyed the worlds and adventures of different and varied characters.
I'm sure your vocabulary has expanded and your general knowledge too; I also hope you have enjoyed.
Congratulations to Elisabeth López ( she read 8!!! books apart from the two set in class), Stanimir Kostov ( he read 7!!), Susana Chen Zhu (5),Yuliya Trostyanska, Sheila Tejero,Sergio Igual, and many others.
We encourage you to keep on reading during the summer; you can borrow books from the school if you like!!
It's a very relaxing activity you can practise during the vacation!!
Enjoy your summer and many good books!!

We made it!!

... and it came: the summer, and with it the end of the school year!! Hopefully you have learnt a lot, and now enjoy your free time.
But if you happened to fail English, don't forget you have to work during the summer.
These are the recommendations you should follow in order to succeed in September.

Grammatical contents and Functions:
- Simple Present ( and Routines)
- Adverbs of frequency ( always, usually, often, sometimes, never)
- Present Continuous
- Verb -There is / There are / There was / There were
- Past Simple – Affirmative : Regular and Irregular verbs
- Past Simple – Negative & Interrogative: Regular & Irregular verbs
- Comparative and Superlative of short and long adjectives
- “ Going to “ ( Plans and future arrangements)
- Future – Will - for predictions
- Vocabulary

You will find these contents in your text book( Units 1- 16 , except 14 )

Activities you should do:

- Read the texts and do the exercises as well as the activities in your notebook. Review your glossary.
- Read the books again: The Ghost of Genny Castle and do the activities at the end, from # 1 to 18 ( pages 33 & 34) and Dracula , activities from # 1 to 13 and the writing task ( one of them), pages 51, 52 & 53. Write everything in your notebook so that you practise your writing expression.
- Listen to music in English, watch movies and read aloud to practise your oral comprehension and expression.

Have Fun and Practise English!!

See y'all in September!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This school year

This school year has been very difficult because I started very bad, I flunked 5 subjects but in this last term I just failed one. I like this school but we have had a lot of homework and study to do.
To finish the school year we are going to go to the fun park in Madrid with the school. I feel the school year has been very short. The subject I liked the most was physical education (PE) and we are all friends in class although we are only 18 students in class.

Happy summer !!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


This year was a challenge for us, because we started the secondary.
At the beginning we had some problems, but then we adapted ourselves very well.
Our class is more friendly because we only are 18.
Some teachers were tough, but some others were very nice to us.
This school year we had to study a lot because this year was different to the others.
We know that some partners are going to repeat, we are going to remember you!!!!!!!
Any way this was a fantastic year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Elisa and Sheila.

Monday, June 12, 2006


El Aeróbic y la Batuka:
En estas dos sesiones hemos estado trabajando el ritmo, a través de los pasos básicos del aeróbic y de la batuka, pero pensad en una cosa: durante estas clases hemos desarrollado nuestro sistema circulatorio, el sistema respiratorio, el sistema muscular y esquelético, el sistema hormonal y metabólico, la coordinación, el ritmo, el equilibrio, ... es decir, aunque no os lo creais, con el aeróbic y la Batuka desarrollamos todo nuestro cuerpo y nuestra mente mientras nos divertimos.

Porque para poder seguir los pasos habéis tenido que aprender cómo se llaman, cómo enlazarlos, pensar cuál viene ahora y después qué paso sigue.

En definitiva, estas prácticas que no son solo para chicas, nos desarrollan todo el cuerpo, la mente y mejora la relación con nuestros compañeros y las puede practicar cualquiera porque todos/as sabemos "bailar".
Aquí teneis la prueba de lo bien que os lo habéis pasado.

Sólo os pido una cosa: seguid practicándolo en casa durante el verano

Ahora sólo nos queda la orientación y algún día de multideporte.

Por cierto, recordad que este martes teneis que traer a clase el libro de texto

Friday, June 02, 2006

¡oh, se ha acabado la piscina!

Tras 4 sesiones muy intensas en la piscina, continuamos con nuestro trabajo en el gimnasio y en las pistas del instituto.
Durante los días de piscina hemos hecho juegos y actividades para todos los gustos, para los más avanzados hemos hecho relevos; hemos nadado a espalda y a crol; y para los menos iniciados hemos aprendido a perder el miedo al agua, a tirarnos con un churro desde lo más hondo de la piscina y a desplazarnos con nuestros propios medios.
Al principio nos daba mucha vergüenza a todos/as, pero poco a poco la fuisteis perdiendo y espero que lo hayais pasado bien a la vez que hayais aprendido algo nuevo.
También ha habido tiempo para la relajación y el disfrute, el primer día hicimos juegos para que todos/as perdierais el respeto y la timidez, y el último fue todo vuestro

¡lo que os habeis perdido los que no habeis venido!

Lo importante es que en la piscina hemos aprendido algunas habilidades y destrezas acuáticas básicas: cómo se respira, cómo nadar a crol, qué pasa cuando nado a espalda, cómo colocarme el churro para avanzar más rápido o algo tan básico como perder el miedo al agua.

Ahora comenzamos la recta final del curso, vamos a hacer carreras de orientación dentro del gimnasio y por todo el instituto, y practicaremos aeróbic y batuka

¡id preparando vuestro sentido del ritmo

que muy pronto os daré un susto!