British Project. IES Puerta de cuartos. 1º ESO

We are a group of students involved in a bilingual project at the IES Puerta de Cuartos in Talavera de la Reina Toledo. It´s a program supported by Ministerio de Educación and The British Council. With this Blog we would like to share with the students and teachers community some of our learning experiences as well as to inform our parents about the homework we´ve got every day.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Fieldtrip to Gredos and Goodbye

A long and hard school year is getting to finish, and a lot of sensations, feelings, and memories arise in the mind of students fast and clear. But we have to move on and you will not be the youngest students at the school for any longer. You are already second grade students. As a culmination of this year we did an amusing fieldtrip to Gredos where we could enhance the friendship between all the bilingual community. Here is the link to the page where you can have a glance at the pictures of this thrilling trip
So, what else can I say?, thanks for your effort, keep on growing inside and of course have an incredible and funny summer.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My first Year at the Secondary School

In this post some students are going to share some of their experiences in their first year at the Secondary School. I hope you enjoy them, here they go!

The first year secondary has been tough for us. Here it has been so much different than in the primary one. Here I have had to study more than in the primary school because the level is higher. Some of the subjects have been very difficult… Math is an example of one of the most difficult subjects. In the first term I had a difficult job, but I studied a lot because of the fear to fail. The second term I were very distracted but I only fail math … but finally I didn't I fail any subject!! So I'm going to have nice vacations in summer. Here in the secondary school I have made new friends, I have known a lot of people from villages and from the city. I like this class because it's where my classmates from the last year are. Have a nice summer!!

By Celia Cantalejo

This year we started the high school and we did new friends like our friends of the basketball team.

We have got along just with some teachers but that’s normal we guess. We have made a lot of tests. We didn't do too many trips although at the end we've been in two very nice ones, one to Gredos and other to Warner Bros Park inn Madrid.

We like better the secondary school than the primary one mainly becouse in the primary school we didn’t have time to relax.

by Fernando Ochaita del Río & Marcos Collado Gómez

The first year in the secondary school has been too hard becouse in 6th grade you are the oldest at the school and then when you come here and you are the youngest. This year we have had a lot of tests, homework and we have had to study at least 1hour and 30 minutes every day.

Some teachers have been very good with us and some others not too much. The tests were more difficult and we have had some trips like two we've had at the end, one to Gredos, and another to an amusement park in Madrid.

Have a very nice summer to everybody!!
By Daniel González Galan

During the first year at the secondary school I have learnt a lot o things. The change from primary school to secondary has been very difficult, different subjects, new friends, new challenges.... I like better the secondary school than the primary one because the teachers are different, we study different subjects like technology, but I got better marks at the primary school because it was easier there. In science we have learnt things about plant, animals... In technology we have learnt about structures and how to make a project with paper and cardboard. In math we have learnt the Pythagoras law In language we have learnt things about reading. In physical education we have done a lot of things like going to the swimming pool, going on a bike fieldtrip, doing aerobics at the gym.
For the ending of the school year we are going to Warner Bross Park in Madrid, we go all the grades together. On June 25th it give us the grade reports!!.
by Alba de Ana Oliveira

My first year at the secondary school has been very moving. It has had good things and bad ones. The good ones have been that I didn’t fail any exam and that I spent a lot of happy times with my friends. The bad ones have been that we where punished a lot of times for acting up. I made a lot of new friends of 1st, 2nd, 3rd… I think that in summer we are going to call each other to go to swimming pool or to other places. The teachers of the high school: I can talk a lot of this. Good in general all the teachers, excepting some ones. All the teachers want to help us but sometimes they do the opposite and they retard the things we did. Others are very amusing and you pass very funny classes with they.
by Pedro Palomeque

Our first year at the secondary school was very exciting and cool. First thing we thought it was going to be easy, but it was not like that. The teachers, the other classmates, the rooms… then we started to be used to the high school. In the playground, we made new friends, we fell in love … We think that the secondary school is another school but for older people.
By Rubén Marín Martín and Guillermo Díaz Morales
After all these good opinions, what else can I say?, just

Monday, June 18, 2007

My first year in high school

September the 18th, 2006, we started our first year of E.S.O, in the Puerta de Cuartos High School.
When we came, and we looked at the books, we thought that this year the subjects were going to be difficult and we were going to have a lot of homework. But this was not true. Subjects were not difficult for me and we have had less homework than in the primary school. Some subjects were more difficult than others but they are not so difficult.
During this year we haven´t got much trips due to our bad behavior, but now we are triying to improve it.
Now that we are almost at the end of the year we already have two trips, one to the Gredos lake, and other to the Warner Bross park in Madrid.
This year I have passed all the subjects, others classmates have all the subjects passed too and some others thet failed someones are triying to pass them at the end.
Next year I am going to study more to try to get higher marks on the subjects that I have lower marks. This was a good year in the high school.

Friday, June 15, 2007


El curso llega a su fin y todos nos merecemos un descanso.
Durante el curso hemos trabajado muchas cosas y, espero, que hayais aprendido mucho sobre la actividad física y el deporte.
Empezamos el curso trabajando la condición física, la resistencia, la flexibilidad y la fuerza. Luego seguimos con hockey, raquetas, fútbol sala, expresión corporal. Y en el último trimestre hemos visto el baloncesto, aeróbic y natación
¡cuántos buenos momentos que recordar!

Lo único que os pido es que este verano hagais algo de deporte, simplemente es por vuestra salud y para que sigais haciendo amistades y mejorando vuestra condición física.

See you in September

Friday, June 08, 2007


El pasado 30 de Mayo nos fuimos de excursión en bicicleta por la Vía Verde de la Jara, que parte desde Calera y llega hasta las Minas de Santa Quiteria.Esta vía de tren, que no llegó a finalizarse por cuestiones económicas y por el progreso en las vías de comunicación y transporte de mercancías por carretera, ha sido adaptada para realizar rutas de senderismo, en bicicleta o a caballo.
Desde el principio de la ruta se pudo apreciar la belleza del paisaje y la tranquilidad patente que reinaba en el ambiente.

Lo pasamos bien e intentamos aprender algo sobre el cuidado y mantenimiento del medio ambiente y sobre el entorno cercano.
Pasamos algo de miedo (por los tenebrosos túneles y por los kamikaces que se esperaban los últimos para ir adelantando a la gente. ¡Ah, y por la madre de la culebra que nos siguió todo el camino porque habían atropellado a su hij@!)


Espero poder continuar la ruta el año que viene desde donde la dejamos.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Coming up test

History test about Rome,wednesday 13th of june.
Science test about animals friday 15th of june.
Maths test about unit 14,friday 15th of june.