British Project. IES Puerta de cuartos. 1º ESO

We are a group of students involved in a bilingual project at the IES Puerta de Cuartos in Talavera de la Reina Toledo. It´s a program supported by Ministerio de Educación and The British Council. With this Blog we would like to share with the students and teachers community some of our learning experiences as well as to inform our parents about the homework we´ve got every day.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


¡todos preparados/as que nos vamos a la piscina!

Durante el mes de mayo vamos a desarrollar 4 clases en la piscina climatizada. Estas clases son obligatorias y nos ayudan a alcanzar una serie de objetivos educativos muy importantes para la edad en la que os encontrais. Son los siguientes:
  • Contribuir a la formación de su propio concepto corporal (estas actividades os ayudarán a que conozcais cuáles son las posibilidades de vuestro cuerpo, a aceptarle tal y como es)
  • Respetar mi propio cuerpo y el de los demás
  • Desarrollar las habilidades acuáticas básicas

Además, es necesario llevar un material específico a la piscina:

  • Chanclas de baño
  • Traje de baño (bañador olímpico, bermudas que no sobrepasen las rodillas, bikini, el que tengan porque no es necesario que se compren uno nuevo para esta actividad)
  • Gorro de baño
  • Gafas de nadar (son optativas, si no las tienen no es necesario que las compren)
  • Bolsa de transporte del material y para el aseo personal (toalla)

Todas las sesiones las vamos a realizar con juegos y otras actividades divertidas (aunque eso lo tendreis que decir vosotros/as ¡je,je!).

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Day of the BooK

As everybody knows on April 23rd we celebrate the Day of the Book because it was the day our genius Cervantes died. Shakespeare also died the same day and year.From the English class we are going to commemorate the date by creating stories and reading them. We invite you to take part in this contest, and watch out!!, there will be a prize!!
Good luck and enjoy a good book.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My Spring Break

On these holidays I went to a lot places with my family. Firstly we went to Madrid to my grandparents´ house to visit them. There I had a really good time playing with my cousins.
Then we came back to Talavera where I could see the proccesions with my mother. It was very moving to see all these statues of Jesus Christ and Maria on the street with the people praying.

This is very tipical on Spain. There I could see friends of mine playing in the music band.

But what I liked the most was playing soccer in the street with my friend, after all we are kids yet!.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Exposición " Del mono al hombre"

El pasado 31 de marzo realizamos una visita a la exposición " Del mono al hombre", como parte de una actividad complementaria del curriculum, en la que pudimos estudiar la evolución del Hombre, desde los orígenes del Australopitecus, en el Africa Oriental, hasta el Homo Sapiens, pasando por el Homo Hábilis, el Homo Erectus y el Hombre del Neanthertal.

En ella pudimos estudiar ambientes recreados con sus sonidos y olores característicos de la selva, la sabana, el fuego, etc. y la reproducción a tamaño natural de los especímenes correspondientes.

Finalmente un video recordaba a los visitantes de la exposición los hitos más relevantes de la evolución humana.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Fieldtrip to "El Piélago"

Among the activities organized by the School during the "Cultural Days" we can highlight the fieldtrip to the natural spot known as "El Piélago". All the 1st and 2nd year students participated so we were a lot, almost 200 people!!. All the "British" group was there except Elisa Sánchez due to sickness these days, we hope you get better!!. In this picture we can see the whole "british" group:

Once we got there, some students started enjoying the nature and with some of the amazing features this place has in this season, like hundreds of flowers of the iris family, or to watch directly natural phenomena like some toad eggs wrapped with a gelatin like substance.
Nevertheless other students devoted themselves to their biggest passion: the practise of their favourite sport, soccer...ok, ok, There has to be something for everybody.
In these pictures we can have a look at some of the moments of the fieldtrip:

Sergio, Fernando, Moisés, José Manuel and Iván wait for their turn to begin playing soccer:

Robert, Stanimir and Luis standing on the meadows.

Elisabeth, Sheila, Susana, Raluca and Alba at lunch time.