British Project. IES Puerta de cuartos. 1º ESO

We are a group of students involved in a bilingual project at the IES Puerta de Cuartos in Talavera de la Reina Toledo. It´s a program supported by Ministerio de Educación and The British Council. With this Blog we would like to share with the students and teachers community some of our learning experiences as well as to inform our parents about the homework we´ve got every day.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Our class

We are 18 students in the class. We are friends from childhood we get along with each other. In our class we are international.
Some of them are from Romania, others from China, Bulgaria, Ukraine and also from Ecuador.
We are very happy and proud to be in the british proyect. For someone was difficult to begin the secondary but we try to work harder than other years to achieve this grade goals.

Sharing cultures.

This class is special because we are students from so many countries : Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia, Ecuador and China, and we all are good friends although we are from very different places. At the begining we didn’t speak too much to each other, but now we have conversations about our way of living, and we are learning a lot from each other.
The best way of understanding the strangers is knowing their culture.

conociendo los deportes de raqueta en Educacíón Física

El pasado martes comenzamos la unidad didáctica de Deportes de Raqueta, con una primera sesión de familiarización, conocimiento y evaluación inicial, para detectar el grado de dominio general de sus habilidades. Empezamos con nociones báscias del tenis y vamos a ir adquiriendo un conocimiento elemental del bádminton, frontón y otros deportes alternativos de raqueta.
Dentro de poco nos autoconstruiremos una "pelota-loca", con globos, para emplearla en estas sesiones.

The Technology Workshop

Every Friday the students go to the technology workshop. In this special classroom they learn how to develop a project. Firstly they plan on the paper what they are going to do, then they carry out what they planned using a variety of tools.
These kinds of projects are done in groups so that the students have to interact and agree with their peers in order to succeed in the project. The present project is to do a paper and cardboard shelves. To accomplish this they have to measure, cut with scissors and paste using hot silicone and they are doing an excellent job!!, look at the pictures.

Matemáticas: Operaciones y sistema métrico.

El pasado lunes realizamos una prueba de 10 minutos para comprobar el grado de adquisición de los alumnos de los procedimientos relacionados con Operaciones con Números Decimales y Conversiones en el Sistema Métrico. La prueba no arrojó unos resultados muy satisfactorios lo que nos llevó a decidir, dada la importancia de la adquisición de los contenidos procedimentales en estos dos apartados, que realizaríamos una prueba de estas características periódicamente, con el fin de ir mejorando en estos aspectos tan fundamentales del área de Matemáticas.


En el área de Matemáticas hemos empezado el tema 7 del libro: Fracciones. Este tema nos ocupará varias semanas ya que queremos que los conceptos incluidos en él queden claros dada su importancia y utilidad en temas posteriores.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Iniciación a Internet gratis para padres

La AMPA "LOS MOLINOS" del Instituto convoca un Curso de formación gratuito de iniciación a internet, destinado a padres y madres de alumnos, de 15 horas de formación con horario de 17 a 19,30 los dias 7, 9, 14, 16, 21 y 23 de Marzo. Cada sesión durará 2 horas y media.
Los interesados deben inscribirse en la secretaría del centro hasta el 3 de Marzo

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

We’ve got a blog!!

We are a 1st ESO class in Talavera, and we are following a bilingual project. In this blog we want to share experiences and allow our parents to check what homework we have.