British Project. IES Puerta de cuartos. 1º ESO

We are a group of students involved in a bilingual project at the IES Puerta de Cuartos in Talavera de la Reina Toledo. It´s a program supported by Ministerio de Educación and The British Council. With this Blog we would like to share with the students and teachers community some of our learning experiences as well as to inform our parents about the homework we´ve got every day.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Greek Gods

In social sciences we are learning about the Greek Gods.
The greeks adored different gods. The gods had human form. The gods lived in the Olimpo mountain, below the authority of Zeus, his powers were the sky and the ray, and his symbol, the eagle. Hera, his wife, protects their family. And his brother,
Poseidon was the sea god, his symbol was the trident.
Apolo, was the father of the muses; Afrodita, goddess of the beauty and the love; Ares, the god of the wars; Dionisio, the wine god, his symbols were the glass of wine and some grapes; Hermes the messenger god; Hefesto, the fire god; Atenea, goddess of the knowledge and Artemisa the goddess of hunting.


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